Thank you so much shade flower thats really good information!
At the moment it is a 50W heat cable so im guessing its down to heat loss? I couldnt really find much information on what wattage was required so i guessed based on when im doing aquariums. ill need to look into insulating it better from the sounds of it. I've got the same cable in the cooler one in anticipation of winter temperatures to keep the day night temperature change. On the few cooler days ive had that hasnt struggled getting temperatures up to 18C which was good to see but we've had really hot weather since.
For night temperatures im just relying on the house temperature because we dont heat it at night so it gets cold anyway, probably more so in winter so thankfully temperature drop isnt a problem, just getting high enough day tempertures! I've got a timer plug for the heat cable plus the thermostat so in theory that should do it but if more insulation doesnt work I'll take a look at getting the heater youve recommended thank you. I was really strugglign to find information on what might be trustworthy in a humid environment. I found a lot of very dubious uses of electronics and some diy little umbrellas for them!
I was banned from setting up any more aquariums so now im on to terrariums.... still working on trying to get them looking pretty, i think the warm one wants a bit of work still and some growing in.