
I decided (perhaps with a little less thought than i should have done) to set up two terrariums for my orchids.
One is 90x60x45cm (relatively) warm set up with a mix of oncidium unknown and globuliferum, dendrobium nobile and kingam. Currently it just about heats to 20-21 in the day and drops to 15 at night. Humididty sits around 50-70%
Other is 60x60x45cm cool set up for cloud forest orchids (hopefully) but i perhaps got ahead of myself buying orchids without finding all the information i needed. it sits around 18C in the day and drops to 15 at night. Come winter the drop will be bigger. Humidity is around 70-90%.
I guess im wondering how others have heated their terrariums. my house is cold so i have no trouble getting the night temperature drops but day temperatures could be higher. the 'warm' st up has a heat cable but it only just makes it to 21C. i think a heat cable in the cool one for the day would work but I don't know how to heat the warm one further.
Secondly i couldn't find anything concrete on temperatures for cloud forest orchids. i just have a masdevallia hybrid which came with the instructions "minimum 10C" and thats all.
I'm hoping ill manage to keep updating this with how things go and id appreciate any advice others have. Previously my orchids have just sat under windows but temperatures will drop to 5C with low humidity which theyre not all very happy with.
Will try to figure out how adding photos work, its been a while since I've used a forum.