Hi folks,
I haven't logged in since 2016 apparently! I stepped back from the hobby for several years but I'm getting back into it and would like to make a small terrarium for Paphs and Phrags to raise humidity and to provide a sort of buffer should I forget a watering.
The plants consist of an unknown mottled-leaf Paph, an unknown Phrag and Phrag Hanne Popow.
I plan to use a small fan for air circulation inside only. The tank is small and I'll be hand
misting for now so I think a second fan bringing in air, even occasionally, from the outside, would be too drying. Which leads me to my main question:
Should I add a reservoir of water below some egg crate at the bottom or can I do without? (I'll have lots of moss in the tank so that will also hold moisture and maintain humidity.) The tank is 45cm tall - tall enough for the plants but short enough that I'd rather save the vertical space. Plus I'm trying to repurpose materials I already have as much as possible for this project instead of buying new ones and I don't have egg crate.
I'm sure I'll have more questions as I continue to read up on orchidariums and begin putting mine together so any advice on growing Paphs and Phrags in terrariums would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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