Find a used aquarium at a yard sale, thrift shop, Craigslist or offeritup. Go to your hardware store and have them cut the cheapest window glass to fit the top. For a 10 gallon this could be one piece; for a larger aquarium you will need two, because one big enough is too fragile to handle horizontally. Also get some epoxy cement and one small drawer pull to attach to the edge of each glass piece so you can lift it. The glass won't fit tightly enough that you might need a fan inside, so you don't need to cut it short to leave room for a fan cord.
Also go to the lighting section of the hardware store and get a piece of plastic light fixture grating. This fits over recessed fluorescent lighting fixture boxes and typically comes in pieces about 3 feet by 4 feet. Cut it to fit the bottom of the aquarium. You can set your plants on this to keep them above a shallow layer of water underneath.
Put the heat mat under the aquarium. It might damage furniture. I suggest putting it on top of a piece of polystyrene foam wall insulation sheet cut to fit. The hardware store probably has that. You can use a steak knife to cut the insulation.
Last edited by estación seca; 01-02-2021 at 02:13 PM..