Hi all! I just set up my very first vivarium specifically dedicated to my delicate orchids (mostly Sophronitis, Angrecoids, and Dendrophlax). Its a 18x18x36 tall Exo Terra.
It's currently going through its cycling phase before I put in my orchids but it already has misters, humidity control, lights, and internal and external fans setup. I'm slowly putting in more and more non-orchid plants and moss in it throughout this cycling process. It's having its first bloom of mold in it (though i hope it equalizes soon).
One thing I've noticed, now that the cork bark is always wet, is that the cork bark has become somewhat squishy. The main bodies of cork are squishy, somewhat like a fresh orange to the touch, and the parts of cork that are sticking out (like large bumps and fingers) and quite flexible although still require a lot of effort to rip off. Is it normal for cork bark to be like this when exposed to a lot of moisture? I'm hoping that despite this, the cork bark will still be strong for years and years to come.
Photo is the viv right before I put in non-orchid plants, ABG mix, and moss:
Imgur: The magic of the Internet