Temperatures have been all over the place here recently. First we had a heatwave, then it was cold, etc. Most of the plants are fine. Some really like the heat but others don't. I have AC in my office where the terrariums are, but it can't always keep up.
This Stelis sp is blooming again but this time the buds are finally opening! It has bloomed 3 or 4 times in the past, but it always dropped the buds before they opened. I suspected the humidity was always too low for, but couldn't do anything. This is the first bloom in the controlled humidity environment and the blooms are just starting to open!
Trisetella hoeijeri has given up on life and dropped all of its leaves. I think the warm weather killed it. Pretty frustrating since this one had been making a slow recovery all last winter. I am learning to have more respect for the plant's recommended temperature ranges.
The same Trisetella hoeijeri just four months ago:
This Lepanthopsis astrophora keiki is doing great, and even blooming despite being so small. I'd really prefer this plant not spend energy on blooms and send it all to foliage and roots. Can you snip off spikes to encourage this?
Pleurothallis picta is just finishing up its bloom.
Pleurothallis grobyi is still doing amazing, but doesn't bloom. I'm not quite sure what it needs, because it appears to be very happy. I will probably be dividing this up in a few months and was hoping to see some flowers first.
Lepanthes telipogoniflora is still holding on. The two leaves in the image below are both new, and it dropped its old foliage, but it hasn't grown anymore since the heatwave ended. I'm not sure if this one will survive until I can get it into a hotter tank.
Bulbophyllum pardalotum is doing ok. This has always grown slower for me. I think it probably wants to be warmer, and maybe be watered less frequently?
I divided a section of it off a few months ago and it is just starting its first new growth.
My control system is still working fine. The sensor had another corrosion issue about two months ago. There was an unused connector that I didn't coat completely, and it developed some corrosion. Once I cleaned it up and recoated it, it went back to working. I've had no problems since then.
The new sensors still haven't been tested in the terrarium. The software work is progressing and hopefully I can get them in the tank soon. I have spent most of my hobby time on the new fan and valve controllers. They just finished assembly and should be arriving any day. Hopefully I will be able to share them soon.
CAD view of the fan/valve controller:
And here is the first completed circuit board just before shipment: