Well summer is here and it is absolutely steamy in the terrarium. When I stick my head in it really feels like a jungle. Average conditions are about 80F days and 65F nights, at >90% humidity.
The plants are responding well, lots of new growth and there are different things blooming than during winter. I'll try to remember to post pictures as they open.
The humidifying mister went off just as I took this picture so it even looks steamy.
Lths. telipogoniflora is continuing its recovery. It finished the first new leaf it was working on and immediately started a second. I was worried I was losing this one, but now I feel very confident it was just too cold. The monitoring system lets me be pretty sure that the only change it has experienced is the temperature increase. You probably can't see the new leaf but I'll post another once it's bigger.
The clear response I'm getting to increased temperatures is making me reconsider my plans not to heat the tanks. I'm still testing the heat cable in this tank, and I think the few degrees it contributes during the day do help the plants that like the warmth. I'm leaning toward building my next couple tanks with slightly better insulation and adding temperature control to them. The current terrarium would be for intermediate plants, and the new one for warm growers. That will even let me experiment with growing divisions in each climate to see what they like best.
I'm still making progress on the electronics. The waterproofing material finally shipped today, so hopefully I can get the new version coated and into the tank for testing soon. While I wait I've been working on a new module that will let me add more fans and valves to the control system as I need them.