Got my hands on a 55gal bowfront and stand, so I'm planning my next terrarium. It isn't going to be nearly as fancy as many hear, but I'd like to still make it nice, compared to my utilitarian rectangular tank.
Ok, some necessities. It will not have a drainage system, so no mister. I'll hand mist, and have a fogger, most likely. I will have a small setup to siphon extra water out.
Lighting. It will be in an east window, to take advantage of the morning sun. My phals love that. So, no filling in the back with cork. Also, I'm going to supplement light, and I'm trying to decide on just what.
So here is the plan so far. 3" of hydroton in the bottom, with 2" PVC piping as support legs for egg crate. One will be the "siphon port". Will cover with PVC, and have at least one PC fan for circulation.
Most of the orchids will be potted, as right now, that is the best way for me to care for them in my environment. Maybe mount a few.
I'd love for some way to cover the egg crate, like moss. I just do that know yet I'd that is safe, clean, viable, etc. I plan on at least some driftwood to mount tillandsias, bromeliads, hang some Spanish moss.
Orchids to be grown: this will be more for Phals, but maybe some Paphs. But, I want it to be versatile enough for some Catt types. No Masdevallias...I've got plans...
So what does the group think? Let's make something nice!