Hello Everyone,
I recently just got a small amount of isopods. I have been told that they are good for terrariums. I have also seen a few people on this forum mention that they introduced isopods into their new terrarium setup. However, I haven't been able to find any follow-up on their success.
I have four orchidariums that are small, around 1 foot by 1 foot in size (give or take). They have high humidity (70-100%), computer fans, a ABG (Atlanta Botanical Gardens) substrate layer and a LECA false bottom. I don't have any frogs or other animals in the terrarium. The terrariums just house orchids, cork mounts, mosses and a few plants. My plants are mostly mounted to the cork.
I'm looking to introduce isopods because I hear they help clean the terrarium. I am just paranoid that they might eat some of my orchids.
Has anyone introduced isopods? Would you reccomend?