Thanks! No i haven't but this project was 3 years in the making. I had lots of time to gather supplies, knowledge, and inspiration.
Removing all the old silicone was a horrible experience lol. The silicone the previous owner used created a haze around it that was impossible to remove completely, i actually ended up replacing 2 panes for the front and put the worst ones in the back to be covered up by the background.... but it was cheaper than buying a new tank and stand.
Oh yeah, meant to add pics of the tanks home in my living room. It's up against south facing windows so i might have to move it in the summer but i put white vinyl on the back glass and so far its doing a good job of reflecting heat instead of absorbing it. Also a pic of the light fixture i put together.
*I've since painted the stand white
Last edited by Transcendental topiary; 10-14-2019 at 12:30 PM..