I have two P. bellina and a P. violacea that always looked healthy but were very slow growing.
One day I unpotted them to check the roots and noticed that they were all dehydrated. I think my mistake was to treat them like complex hybrids, when in fact it seems they require a lot more water.
So I cut all the dead bits and switched them to semihydroponics. They are much better in this setup with lots of new roots and flower spikes!
P. bellina coerulea
P. bellina - Notice there are 2 spikes, one on each side
Shiny leaves on the bellina. The P. violacea is the one on the left, and it is much smaller, so no flowers yet.
For the experts out there - I know that these species are called summer bloomers, but mine are a little off season. In your experience, will the spikes develop and bloom or they will just stay there for months and only bloom when it is actually summer again?