Thank you guys very much

. I'm not a big Phal person... probably why I also typically stick with Sedirea instead of the new classification, but I put Phal here in case someone is looking through posts for either. Even if it is a Phal now, who couldn't absolutely love this species?
Other good news? There was a little order mix-up with Kristin at NWO where I accidentally got someone else's order, which, to me, is not the end of the world. I'm guessing the other person didn't have that same sentiment and didn't want their order after the mix up, so I am returning the plants to her, but as a.. gift, sorry, thanks for being cool about it? I guess? She is letting me keep the japonica that was sent to me in the mix up (my order will be shipped to me from the person that accidentally received it). This one has two spikes and has smaller, more rounded leaves than the one from Andy's... AND, who couldn't live with two japonicas? I know I can.
Those are wonderful! Just beautiful, in fact. And I'm extremely jealous, too! I have two of the plants (I still go with Sedirea) and while both are growing and producing streams of new roots there is no sign of a spike from either. Mine are in an East-facing grow window where they get good morning light and artificial light as well. The window is my cooler growing area. I want flowers.
I know this might sound crazy, but I don't think you are giving them enough light. I know, on my own plant, Andy's culture tag says 500-1500 fc, but I looked other places and many people said they like it very bright, at least Oncidium light. When I say it was in a southern exposure window, I mean it typically got 3.5+hrs of direct sun on any day that was sunny. It's the same light that has been turning my Tolumnias purple-red (and spiking one) and bloomed my Guarianthe aurantiaca. Your sun may be stronger down south, so I am not sure you will want to give them that direct of sun but I would try bumping it up a notch.
---------- Post added at 10:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 AM ----------
Here's the two of them "together."
Top is the one from Andy's that's in bloom, bottom is from NWO in spike. I put a spoon for size... because it was handy.
Picture is awful, but it's a cloudy day and too cold to bring them out side to photograph. Isn't the NWO one such a darling?