Need help with Phal corningiana
I need some help with a Phal. corningiana that I got a little over a year ago. It is in a plastic pot, media is a mix of medium bark, charcoal and some sphagnum moss. It is in a terrarium with my other phals (heiroglyphica, violacea, equestris, a Phal hybrid Feng Mei Sweet and some African Violets) that are all growing very well and flowering. Temps max out at 80F during the day and down to 72 at night, with humidity around 70-75% and a pc fan for air movement. It is in an Exo Terra terrarium, so it has ventilation holes for fresh air.
The corningiana is just not happy, very slow growth of leaves and roots. Amy tips for this one?
I had a Phal Samera in the same tank that was not growing well, and after getting some advice here on OB, I decided to take that one out of its pot and mounted it on cork, then hung it another tank with Latouria Dens where the temps are warmer - it is hanging in the shade of a big dendrobium, so it is not getting direct light from the MH light up there. It has responded by finally growing very nicely with new leaves and roots, it is looking great.
Are the cultural requirement for the corningiana similar to the Samera? Would it benefit from higher temps? A bit more light? Mounted? Any advice would be appreciated.