I just got a Phalaenopsis schilleriana in the mail today, and I was wondering if this one needs cooler temperatures to bloom, and if so to what degree and for how long.
Also, the plant I got is quite small, so any tips on what I may need to do differently care-wise from a typical adult hybrid Phal would be much appreciated!
This is an easy one to grow. I have two (different variations). I put mine in LECA and basket pots and set them each in plastic food containers. I water them about every two or three days as they are under lights and the LECA dries quickly in those basket pots. I usually leave a little water on the bottom and the roots have grown into the water level (the roots were above the water level when I started doing this so they did not rot).
Mine were both small seedlings so I have not bloomed them yet. Someone else can advise you here. My orchids all get a little cooler temperatures in the fall and winter so I have not worried too much about initiating spikes on my Phals. Good luck!
Hmm...well i'm glad they're considered easy growers, I'm hoping it will still bloom without a big temperature drop. It didn't seem like my windowsill gets below 60 in winter
If your summer average temps are in the seventies or higher, and your averages are 15 degrees or so lower in the winter, you shouldn't have a problem. Sixty degrees is more than cool enough to induce Phal spikes.
Hmm...well i'm glad they're considered easy growers, I'm hoping it will still bloom without a big temperature drop. It didn't seem like my windowsill gets below 60 in winter
I don't think mine even get temps as cold as that and I've had no problems getting them (I've more than one) to flower. Shouldn't be a problem.