I just got 2 months ago, and in terms of culture I was told that they like more light than most other phals since they tend to grow higher up in the trees, where there is more light. They also like very good air movement and regular watering.
Also, don't fight the plant if it tends to flop over, that's how it is, it wants to hang. That's also better for it, since apparently they are quite prone to rot if water gets between the leaves. I've also been told that it's sensitive to repottting (part of the reason why many are grown mounted -- though that isn't going to work in my conditions. I'm keeping it in bark for now, and when it will need repotting I'll move into a media which doesn't break down as easily.)
Mine seems quite happy in the 2 months I've had it; it put out some new roots, and grew a new leaf.
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
My Orchid Photos
Last edited by camille1585; 12-01-2014 at 08:56 AM..