Phal deliciosa, what to do with spikes?
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Phal deliciosa, what to do with spikes?
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Old 11-05-2014, 02:42 PM
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Phal deliciosa, what to do with spikes?
Default Phal deliciosa, what to do with spikes?

My adorable little deliciosa has me in a bit of a quandry. It has two little spikes that just keep on going and going, and I'm not sure what to do with them (what a lovely problem to have). I put the plant on a little riser so the spikes have more room, but they're nearly touching the "ground" again. Should I trim them back? Would that stop them flowering though? Or would that cause the spikes to branch? Should I just get some toothpicks and stake them more upright (they're both arching out laterally now)?

The plant seems quite content, it has nice roots and is growing new ones as well, so I don't think the blooms are stressing it much and I'd like to keep them going if possible. Thanks!
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Old 11-05-2014, 03:56 PM
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Phal deliciosa, what to do with spikes? Female

Hi...if the tips are still green,you could leave it alone and more buds should come.I usually cut off the spikes to give more energy to the plant.Trimming down to a node usually produces branching but the appearance may not be the best-too angular.I wouldn't try to stake them tho. I do believe that this phal enjoys mounting.Good growing!
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Old 11-05-2014, 06:25 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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Can you perhaps set the pot on top of another, slightly larger, overturned pot ?
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Old 11-05-2014, 07:37 PM
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Phal deliciosa, what to do with spikes?

Originally Posted by DeaC View Post
Hi...if the tips are still green,you could leave it alone and more buds should come.I usually cut off the spikes to give more energy to the plant.Trimming down to a node usually produces branching but the appearance may not be the best-too angular.I wouldn't try to stake them tho. I do believe that this phal enjoys mounting.Good growing!
I should have been more clear, both spikes are flowering and budding away still, and have been for months. They're just both getting absurdly long and I'm not sure what to do with them. I'd originally thought about mounting it, but it seems quite happy in coarse bark (I do have to water it every day though) so I figured I should just stay with what seems to be working.

---------- Post added at 05:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ----------

Originally Posted by WhiteRabbit View Post
Can you perhaps set the pot on top of another, slightly larger, overturned pot ?
I probably will do this, or something like it. I just see pics of them online with branching spikes and was wondering if they do that on their own or is that from people trimming unruly spikes back?
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Old 11-06-2014, 07:45 AM
katrina katrina is offline
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Phal deliciosa, what to do with spikes? Female

P deliciosa can and does bloom from the same spike(s) for a long time. It's what this species does. It'll bloom for a long time and then it will rest a bit...and then it'll fire back up again and make more buds on the same spikes. Eventually the spikes will have lived as long as they are going to live and they will stop producing and dry up. No need to's what a healthy deliciosa does.

I have one deliciosa "mounted" in a tree fern pot and hanging vertically and one in a pot. The hanging one is easier to deal w/than my potted one. Both of them I stake the spikes w/little wire stakes for better display and so they aren't hanging everywhere. I use wire...bend the end so it has a little hook and it'll hold the spike securely in place.

Again, no need to sounds like you have a very healthy and happy phal.

I've never cut one of the spikes but I have broken one (hence the stakes now) and it didn't died off. I don't know if that's the usual situation or if that spike was just done but, personally, I wouldn't cut them.
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Old 11-06-2014, 05:20 PM
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Phal deliciosa, what to do with spikes?

Originally Posted by katrina View Post
I've never cut one of the spikes but I have broken one (hence the stakes now) and it didn't died off. I don't know if that's the usual situation or if that spike was just done but, personally, I wouldn't cut them.
Thanks for letting me know that, I'll make some tiny wire stakes for it. I'd hate to break one or both spikes if it accidentally fell off a little platform.
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Old 11-06-2014, 06:33 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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I believe these aren't very big ... ? If not, you can hang the pot from a curtain rod
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Old 11-07-2014, 04:17 AM
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I've had simiar problems with a few of My Phals (and also some Oncs). I have 2 solutions. Either I place those plants on the edge of the shelves so that the spikes hang down freely, or I put the the in a hanging pot (without repotting, just put the pot in the pot) and hang the plant off the side of the shelves. I love having that sort of problem, it means I have happy orchids!!

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