Joy, it could be a couple things. Some are just genetically predisposed to stay cupped (i.e. Phal javanica) but typically Phal cornu-cervi has a flat flower. It could be the individual itself, but only time will tell that. Obviously within any seedling population (assuming this isn't a mericlone) there will be variations in floral color and form.
The other possibility is cultural. Humidity levels often influence how much the flower reflexes. Also I'll assume you didn't buy it in s/h, so transplanting can often give you some "different" flowers at first. This also looks like the first flower opening which is often a little weird and doesn't truly represent what the plant can do. I would wait for a few more flowers to open before you get too concerned. The bastianii I posted recently had a dorsal sepal on the first flower that was crooked and bummed me out at first but all the subsequent flowers were perfectly straight and symmetrical.
BTW the flat spike is a diagnostic feature of this species. Also, never cut the green spike because it will continue to send out buds/branch so long as it's green.