I believe this might be a Phal. stuartiana var. punctatissima, so I'm going to sell it as soon as the temperatures are better here in Sweden. I've been trying to get my hands on an ordinary stuartiana, but that seems impossible! Oh, well, the hunt goes on...
I think this plant was the last one the vendor had left. It's an old plant and it only had two leaves when I got it this summer and it still only has two leaves (not the best mottled ones either...). To say that I'm disappointed... well, at least it was healthy when I got it, so I can't complain that much I guess. I just can't wrap my head around how much trouble I have finding an ordinary, healthy Phal. stuartiana here in Europe...
It only has 14 flowers, since one of the branches plus some buds dried during the development of the spike. The spike is ridiculously long and it causes me all sorts of problems every time I'm watering my Phals. Even if I'm not watering this one, it's still in the way... If I had the conditions for it, I would mount all my mottled leafed Phals, 'cause their spikes are so very much in the way, plus they get monstrous root systems and have to be repotted every year.
Anyway, enough complaining and more showing: