I have found equestris to be quite variable in size. I had a huge one, and now have 3 smaller ones. The are still seedlings so am not sure how big they will actually get. OrchidWiz says that the leaves will be anywhere from 6-8 inches long. You can't beat equestris for it's free flowering habit, and it's variety in color.
Lobbii and parishii are similar in size and culture. Lobbii has leaves 4-5 inches long, parishii has leaves 2-6 inches long.
Deliciosa has leaves 1.5-7.5 inches long so apparently quite variable. I would not attempt this one unless you are growing in a greenhouse.
Chibae can grow leaves up to 4.5 inches long.
Wilsonii has tiny leaves only an inch long, but in nature it is deciduous before flowering.
Pulcherrima has leaves 2-6 inches long, but the inflorescence can be up to 24 inches in length. The spike tends to be erect so you would most likely get the full 24 inches in height. Personally I prefer an arching spike, but that's just me.
Pulchra is one you might consider. Leaves up to 6 inches long, and it has a very pretty purple flower
Hope this helps.