The third bud opened! here are the pics! now that i got a good pic with all the buds open, ill load it with pollen
the other spike broke off :'( i was planning on putting a pod on each spike. but now it only has one spike in it okay to set 2 pods on the same spike? because theoretically the plant is still as healthy...
im planning on putting javanica pollen (once it arrives from lou) on it. and also im planning on putting Timothy Christopher pollen on it.
..i played around with the background, i like the classic black, but the others are interesting too!
DSC_0156.jpg by
orchidman-10, on Flickr
DSC_0152.jpg by
orchidman-10, on Flickr
DSC_0159.jpg by
orchidman-10, on Flickr
and here is a huge white noid i have.
DSC_0160.jpg by
orchidman-10, on Flickr
DSC_0164.jpg by
orchidman-10, on Flickr