had a female cardinal in my orchid garden this morning flying all around and knockin my plants over. what the heck now I got birds in here too!!..you got bugs you might get birds?. So I opened the gate and let the bird out. Well the bird stood there looking at me and Im okey bye bye birdy.Bird still stood there looking at me. Went back inside and I hear this faint cheep cheep cheep cheep..oh boy more birds. oooo It was a baby cardinal just learned to fly and found my garden and got trapped. kindly showed him the way out and baby birdy flew some too..now mommas happy
Only problem was here come the lawnmower man and his leaf blowing buddies..I hope it survived being on the ground and being blown hacked shaved and cleaven at. Life.
thanks you
maybe the flowers be more next time. Im still learning how to grow nice plants, blooms are secondary and a bonus for a pretty plant!!!