Phal has drooping blooms I'm not sure Why ? I transplanted the guy like 3 weeks ago ? And I just noticed that several of his flower buds got really droopy and all of them are kinda droopy now ? But leaves seem fine ? What could be the cause here ?
The pot I put him in is a little larger than the one he was in , could it be that the Phil is now focusing more on root growth now ?
... Anybody's opinions ?
Thanx !
Canadian girl
Depends how long it's been in bloom already. If it hasn't been long, have you left it near ripe fruit? The ethylene given off by them triggers rapid aging in flowers. Leaving the plant in a draft or near a heating vent will also do that.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
White rabbit : that's a good question it has alot of blooms on it do maybe it's done ? Should I check the roots? Could this be detrimental to the health of the plant ?
Camille : that's a really interesting point about the fruit I have some apples on the table 2 feet from them ? And it happened so fast like over this past weekend I was thinking it could be the apples ?.... Should I check the roots ?
Thanks u guys I love the insight I love the advice I'm learning so much about my fav hobby ! I still can't upload photos tho ): still working on that I could t find the app that was recommended ...
Camille: one more thing I started useing a fan in my room ( I live in Cali and it's really warm at night ) could the useing of the fan ( on low and not directly at them ) be doing this ?
Shouldn't be a problem with the fan, after all many people use fans in their growing area to keep the air from being stagnant, especially if it's humid.
And yes, it could be the apples, but I don't know at what distance there is still an effect. I once left a Phal with the arched spike directly over a very ripe banana. Blooms were wilting 2 days later!
If you have any doubt about the roots, have a look.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
WOW i had no idea fruit could have that effect on them? good to know! one more thing, im wondering if the stuff im useing to repot them in is making them not bloom as well? im useing just a "orchid Grow mix " made by Gubler and it says for phals, intergeenerics and terrestrials ? so it should be ok right?...
I realize i bought another one after i moved the apple and it seems fine so im hopeing the apple was teh problem... in the meantime im going to peak at the roots just to make sure...
Thank you so much your a great help!
CG (: (: (:
I always check roots as soon as I get them home. They are often too wet in the sphag most of them come in. As long as your potting mix isn't soil like and is fairly open it should be OK.
And you can use the fruit thing to your advantage. For instance if you have an unripe avocado that you want to eat soon, just put it in a bag with some old apples or bananas (whithout touching them though), and the avocado should soften up within 2 days or so.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....