Thanks silken!
Im definatly going to loose one of them... still not entirely sure what the mechanism of error is here...
so i should stick a squewer in once a week and check if the squewer comes out most or not?... or leave it in there when i water and keep checking it?...
very frustrated this has happend about 2 phals now... same thing i cant tell if i watered too much or not enough? ):
I have an intergenic one ( beautiful purple with white leopard spots on it ) its an oncidim ...? they like a little more moist then phals right?... i see a little sprout coming up that looks like another spike!! so thats a good sign right?...
I think i realy need to nail down a method for how to water these guys... I have 2 miniature phals that are just blooming away, one giant phal , my intergenic , and then a regualr sized one...
Also what is your thoughts on "
misting the roots" a friend told me this is the best way to water an orchid? what do you think?
Thanks again!
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