Two of the three P. equestris keikis I bought from a member of the Swedish orchid forum had spikes when she shipped them to me. I was worried that the spikes were going to be aborted due to the stress and the cold temperatures during the shipment, but the only thing that happened was that one of them suffered from some bud blast but that's all.
Now, almost a month later, there's some serious budding going on on the larger of them and the smaller one is still working on developing its spike. All three of them have had some "older" (they are seedlings so in theory none of their roots can be considered old) roots starting to grow like mad since coming here, even Tiny Tim. This I take as a good sign that they have adapted well to their new home.
Today I noticed something weird on the smaller of the spike-duo, a new growth that could be a root, a spike or a basal keiki. Everything is possible. I'll return to this thread and post new photos as these little guys keep growing and I so look forward to their first blooms.