After being bitten by the horrible orchid bug I discovered the big difference between Phalaenopsis species (I hope I use the right terminology), hybrids and those Noids you find at the local supermarket.
This led to me ordering Phalaenopsis stuartiana, Phal. stuartiana var. nobilis and Phal. equestris var. coerulea from Germany. Also, I've bought a Phal. schilleriana, Phal. equestris aurea, Phal. equestris rosea as well as three other equestris varieties from members of the Swedish orchid forum I'm also a member of. This has made a big dent in my wallet but also made a big increase of the number of phals I'll be proud owner of.
The six phals from the forum members will be shipped to me tomorrow and they should arrive at Tuesday!
I'm beside myself with happiness!
There will be photos added later.