Originally Posted by orchidsarefun
mine are doing well - temps not lower than 65f at night, and , because they are in a south-facing window, highs go to 85f sometimes. They receive dappled sun, through a burlap screen. One of my plants has 4 new spikes, never seen that before. I have a seedling that lives on a heat mat so that temp doesn't go below 75f. Humidity has ranged from 45 to around 77.
Another thing - they are all in sphag and small pots.
All my phals get fert weakly, weekly - with a full dose of fish fertilizer monthly.
So - I would agree that light, temp are good indicators. Maybe potting medium as well ? Try sphag with one of them and see.
I have never grown under lights so maybe that requires its own unique cultivation methods.....ignore what I have just said..
Having grown under lights and in my solarium I can tell you the culture isn't much different between the two.
I have a horrible experience with sphag-- it simply never lasts long for me and I think it's because of the battle i wage constantly with keeping my humidity up. It will dry to a crisp on the outside and remain wet on the inside. Zero even drying. That is why s/h has worked so well for me with all of my other plants.
I think, having read everyone's input, that I have a few plants that are still quite young and I'm not giving them the best treatment that most adult phals seem to love. And the few older ones I have simply haven't established themselves well enough in their s/h environment. All of my plants had new roots going into s/h and I've kept them warm but they just seem to take their time.
If i go to the Lowe's bargain rack right now and take a half-dead NOID hybrid, call it awful names, and then plant it in s/h even without new roots, I'll see a spike in the next growing season. LOL
But not with these Bellinas and Violaceas.
I do have a Violacea x that seems to be doing well. I believe it has George Vasquez in it (reading that it sounds really funny as if I have a person in my plant). Even it isn't the strongest growing but its clearly not suffering.