Love this species, and am lucky to have a corningiana that produces such rich red markings. Hope you all enjoy!
Wonderful pics.
Request clarification from you guys. I just ordered corningiana hoping it would have cherry red colors. Does'nt all corningiana will have the same colors? Might be dumb question but could not resist to ask.
Corningiana can be anywhere from a solid red to white with red barring, and everything in between. Certain cultivars will express more red than others. So it just depends on what you ordered. If there is no cultivar name then you won't know until it blooms.
It's actually a very good question. Many growers are line breeding species for form and or color. I have a leuddemanniana that has a more "wild" look to it than most. Some of the line bred ones are almost solid red/fuchsia with wider petals and sepals. Even though it is the same species through line breeding it looks like something entirely different.
Last edited by quiltergal; 05-04-2013 at 04:58 PM..
Thanks for your reply quiltergal !
There is no pic or breeder name, I had to wait for the blooms! And I had ordered lueddemanniana too , same in the case, no breeder names/details.
I am not sure of the size of the plant too, supplier said it is BS. I have seen many plants (phal species) seems to be just above seedling size but with a previous bloom spike !