Hey OB, I'm Andre. I've been volunteering at the University of Minnesota-Duluth greenhouses for about two years now, which got me into them through exposure. This will be my last semester before I receive my B.A. in biology

! Been growing orchids for about a year now and have just over 100, mostly being species. No one around my age, 24, grows orchids that I know of. It seemed like an interesting thing to get into since no one I knew except my mom grew them, so I took it and ran with it. I've met many friends and have loved being taught by the elders. I am Vietnamese-American and have been trying to acquire Vietnamese native species. Collecting all the Phal species has been a goal I have set for myself and to start my hand at breeding some of the primary hybrids not done yet.
For the record, I have some people I would like to thank for leading me down this fun path. Jason, Jerry, and Matt at Orchids Ltd., Deb at UMD, Robbye at UWS, Northland Orchid Society, and my mom.
Below is the list of Phal species and forms I currently have and will be periodically updated. I will also put bloom pictures up soon.
P. amabilis var. java x self
P. amabilis var. rosenstromii (Australian variety)
P. amboinensis ('Ambon Gold' x 'Amber')
P. aphrodite (2n)
P. appendiculata
P. bastianii
P. bellina ('Pokan' AM/AOS x 'Round Star')
P. borneensis
P. braceana
P. buyssoniana ('Leesburg' x self)
P. celebensis
P. chibae ('KF' x sib)
P. cochlearis
P. corningiana ('Fernbrook' AM/AOS x 'Garnet Red')
P. cornu-cervi
P. cornu-cervi fma. chattaladae 'Solid Red'
P. deliciosa
P. equestris ('Olympic Red Lip')
P. fasciata
P. floresensis
P. fuscata
P. heiroglyphica var. alba x sib
P. inscriptiosinensis ('Shaggy' x 'Riddler')
P. javanica
P. kunstleri
P. lamelligera
P. lindenii
P. lobbii
P. lowii
P. leuddemanniana var. delicata ('Fernbrook' x self)
P. maculata
P. mannii
P. mannii var. aurea
P. mariae
P. minus
P. modesta
P. pallens (psilantha?)
P. parishii
P. phillipinense
P. pulcherrima ('Purple Star' x self)
P. pulcherrima var. champornensis ('Clone A')
P. pulchra (lueddemanniana) 'Orchid Glade'
P. pulchra (lueddemanniana) 'Darlene'
P. reichenbachiana
P. sanderiana ('Mr. Sandman' x sib) & ('Joy' x 'South Olive' AM/AOS)
P. schilleriana
P. speciosa var. tetraspis ('White Star' x '#2') - labeled as tetraspis
P. stobartiana x self
P. stuartiana
P. sumatrana ('Green' x 'Giant')
P. taenialis
P. venosa ('Regular Form' x 'Red Form')
P. violaceae var. sumatra ('Kuala Lumpur' x 'Padang Star')
P. viridis ('#2' x '#1')
P. wilsonii
P. zebrina x sib
If anyone knows where to get the harder-to-find ones, please let me know. Thanks!