Quoting Eric Christenson, "The name P. psilantha was applied in error to plants of P. venosa that entered into cultivation in 1979. An original drawing of P. psilantha was subsequently located and showed that the name P. psilantha was a synonym of P. amboinensis and that P. venosa was at the time an undescribed species. At least one Indonesian exporter informally reduced P. psilantha to a variety of P. amboinensis, (See AOS Bulletin 51:1125 1982) even though the color morph of P. amboinensis that this name has been applied to, (See AOS Bulletin 49:261 1980) having few brown bars on the floral segments, is at odds with the type drawing of P. psilantha. The name P. psilantha has also been applied to a cultivated plant in Australia (Smythe 1994); that plant, known only from one clone that had been cultivated in Australia for more than 20 years, is said to be from Sulawesi but may represent an old hybrid. Nothing definitive can be said until further collecting takes place in Sulawesi near the type locality of Djangdjang; only then can we establish exactly what Schlechter had in mind when he described P. psilantha."
So basically it sounds like nothing has been formally designated.
I will look forward to seeing your photo of the bloom