Lovely "Orange" Peter. Mine is blooming now as well, but not as nice as yours. It's still just a baby. Received it as a Keiki in trade with another OB member a little over a year ago. It's only a single spike with about 9 flowers. I'll have to try and remember to take a picture of it this weekend. Equestris is a favorite of mine. I have a couple of varieties but nothing like your group photo. Very nice!
My 'three times a lady' x 'too blue' has a shape similar to that of var. Cyanochilus. In you pictures. Althought it's not white. It has a lighter color. Almost as if it were white with blushing over the while thing.
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing pictures of your gorgeous equestris! I love the 'Orange' and the var. cyanochilus. They're both so unusual and beautiful!
I have one lonely little equestris keiki that has yet to bloom. I think it needs some company!