Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea!
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Old 02-21-2011, 02:34 PM
Kostas Kostas is offline
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Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea! Male
Default Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea!


I just received my Phalaenopsis gigantea today in excellent shape and would like to make sure i treat it right and it remains that way!
Its biggest leaf is around 12-15cm so its not a big plant yet,and its potted in bark in a 12cm pot. I am keeping it indoors,as it is, till i decide what to do with it. I would like to ask you a few question about its culture:

When is it best to water this species? When all the bark dries out,including the bottom of the pot? Or when half the bark dries and some moisture remains at the bottom of the pot? Its clear plastic so i can see it easily.

How is it best to water it?

I am planning to eventually try growing this species mounted on a tree outside,in my Pyrgos Garden. The area is generally humid even in the summer and at night there is almost always dew. The microclimate under that tree is even more humid thanks to protection from two walls and the many underplantings. Pyrgos received arround 1000mm of rain annually with most during winter but they are generally well distributed from September through May. There is usually no rain in summer. Pyrgos is relatively warm yearround with almost all days above 10C even during the worst period of winter. Annual lows are -1C to -2C and every 20 years or so we get a bad freeze with a record of -3,6C. Pyrgos has 1-2 nights with such temperatures and they only occur just before sunrise and then it warms up fast to 10C or more. The area i want to mount this orchid has an even better microclimate and it may actually never freeze there or it might be more like -1C or -2C during the worst winter and this would be under canopy so frost shouldnt be an issue.
Do you think Phalaenopsis gigantea can handle that with proper mounting? The trunk of the tree is leaning for a good part so its even possible to mount under it if that would help. Watering would be daily(night) in winter(unless it rains)and bi daily in summer(morning and night)via spaying of the trunk. Any info you can give me on the proper way to mount it(position of the trunk,media used to wrap on the trunk and hold some extra moisture maybe,etc)and of its watering when tree mounted outside,would be really appreciated. This trunk will eventually be filled with epiphytes of its upper side including Monstera deliciosa,Asplenium nidus,Vanilla planiflora,Zamia pseudoparasitica and others so extra protection from those other plants will come before a record cold hits.

I also plan to keep a P. gigantea indoors(i will get more of them soon). What is the best way to grow it indoors?

Sorry for the so many questions

Thank you very much in advance!
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Old 02-22-2011, 07:23 AM
Kostas Kostas is offline
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Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea! Male

Here are a few photos of my new Phalaenopsis gigantea i just took!

Thank you very much in advance for your help!
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Old 02-22-2011, 08:40 AM
psyc1210 psyc1210 is offline

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Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea! Female

I do not know where you are located..but I have a gigantea I keep indoors. I've had it for a couple years now, and it has a leafspan of about 18 inches. I have mine in a plastic net basket filled with coco fiber. I water it everyday.

By the way, where did you get your gigantea? It looks very nice
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Old 02-22-2011, 10:40 AM
peterlin peterlin is offline
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Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea! Male

Beautiful favorite.
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Old 02-22-2011, 11:17 AM
Kostas Kostas is offline
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Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea! Male

Thank you very much for your replys and kind comments!

I live in Athens, Greece and my garden is in Pyrgos,Peloponissos,Greece. I got my Phalaenopsis gigantea from an online store in EU(i will reveal it in a few days and give it due credit for this very well grown specieman!). I was very pleasantly surprised by how well grown it is and how excellently it was packed! It surely took a lot of attention to pack it so carefully and not break any leaf! I know it took quite some care from my part to unpack as well!

How do you keep your P. gigantea raised to accommodate for its long leafs and where in the house? Mine is on the windowsill of a Northwest facing window like that. I can think of a few ways but just looking for more ideas.
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Old 02-22-2011, 11:26 AM
peterlin peterlin is offline
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Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea! Male

You can use inverted pot to raise it up. It looks like your plant has leaves that will develop downward. Also the spike is pendulous - you'll need to raise the pot up to allow room for spikes to develop later on.
Best way to water is to not get the leaves wet by slowly watering around the plants.
This plant needs alot of light - Cattleya level - with good air movement. The mix needs to have good that the roots dont' wet for more than 3 days. In natural this species perch on top of tree..getting good air movement and have plenty of light.

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Last edited by peterlin; 02-22-2011 at 11:28 AM..
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Old 02-22-2011, 11:58 AM
Kostas Kostas is offline
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Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea! Male

Thank you very much for your reply and the link! I had seen and read lots about this species before getting it but i hadnt found these photos! Awesome!
Thank you very much for the practical info about its care! I appreciate it!

How much light does it require as a minimum and how much light can it take max? Can it get an hour or 2 of early morning sun without damage?

As for air movement,i would say there isnt much at its present location,only what i generate when i move around...Is this going to be a problem for it?

Its currently potted in bark and i think it dries out pretty fast. We will see in a couple of days! When do i water it? When the bark is dry even at the bottom or when 2/3rds dry? It was totally dry in the morning,when i watered while it arrived moist yesterday...

Thank you very much in advance!
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Old 02-22-2011, 12:15 PM
peterlin peterlin is offline
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Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea! Male

Best advice I can give you is to observe your plant - and let it tells you what it needs.
I can tell you that this plant needs alot of lighte - but if you don't have good air movement or if you cannot keep up with watering it frequently, your plant will be in trouble. When it comes to growing phalaenopsis, you need to pay attention to light, water, air, temperature, food, humidity - not necessarily in this order. Each is important.
Finally, this plant is new to your growing area. You need to give it time to slowly acclimate to a new environment. Keep it in shade and slowly move it to a bright spot.
If bark is drying out too fast (which is typical for indoor growing - low humidity), you may consider misting the top or add a small layer of moss on top. Keep the moss away from the base of this plant - in case moss stays wet overnight and creates problem. But with good air movement, this is usually not a problem.
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Old 02-22-2011, 01:42 PM
Kostas Kostas is offline
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Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea! Male

Thank you very much for your reply!

The problem with reading the plant,especially a slow plant like this one,is that its probably going to get a little damage till you know its needs and will be slow to get rid of it I have been growing palms for years now and cycads for a few years as well and know their needs and to read them in time before anything serious and irreversible happens. But i have experience with those which i dont with orchids. Thats why i am looking for all the practical info i can get to hopefully keep it undamaged till i get to know its needs and sensitivities

Thank you very much for the potting media and watering info! How much of the media should i allow to dry out before i water it again?

Resting on a windowsill its getting a fair amount of light and no direct sunlight yet. As summer approaches,its going to eventually be getting a few hours of afternoon sun if left there. It could be moved father away from the window and on my office table where it will be getting less sun and could be arranged to not get any sun. My Chamaedorea elegans never burns from increased sun exposure that comes with summer even though it doesnt see any for the rest of the year.Its 1 and a half meters away from the window yearround and grows well and relatively fast.
Another possible location i can keep it is on my southeast facing balcony,in a place receiving a couple hours of sun most of the year.

I understand the concept of acclimating a new plant but i can only move it at once to new locations and this only if it can already stand the prevailing conditions undamaged. At its current location,increased sun exposure will come gradually as summer approaches and will again stop diminish gradually in fall/winter.

Btw,its already showing a couple mm of new growth!

Last edited by Kostas; 02-22-2011 at 01:49 PM..
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Old 02-22-2011, 02:16 PM
psyc1210 psyc1210 is offline

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Culture questions for Phalaenopsis gigantea! Female

I'm sorry, I forgot to say that I have mine hanging from a hook on my ceiling. Mine is right in front of an ESE facing window, and gets at least a few hours of light shining right in the window. I also have the net pot tilted to the side to let it kind of hang as it would naturally.
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gigantea, pot, pyrgos, tree, trunk, phalaenopsis, questions, culture

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