Phal species info?
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Old 01-26-2011, 08:19 PM
skyheaven skyheaven is offline

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Phal species info? Female
Question Phal species info?

I was hoping some one could give me some pointers. I just ordered 35 Phal seedlings from oak hill gardens. They arrived today 6 different types of Phal species including ballina, volencia, ect. I have them in a clear one foot high bin in my east window. I have put trays in them to raise them up high and put three gallons of water below. The plants are 1 1/2" higher then the water level. My indoor humity with the water was 53 percent not very high. So I put a humidifier on and it raised to 65 percent. Well my questions are.

Is this enough humidity?

How can I raise it higher?

How long should I keep it on though the day?

Any other ways to raise it?

I would love to hear your experiences with seedlings and any pointers info ect. You could give me.

Thanks sky
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Old 01-26-2011, 08:21 PM
skyheaven skyheaven is offline

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Phal species info? Female

Sorry I will post pictures of my set up as soon as I get a chance
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Old 02-13-2011, 11:56 PM
Lady Tottington Lady Tottington is offline
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Phal species info? Female

just curious how your seedlings are doing? <3
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Old 02-14-2011, 12:19 AM
Pilot Pilot is offline
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Phal species info? Male

Originally Posted by skyheaven View Post
I was hoping some one could give me some pointers. I just ordered 35 Phal seedlings from oak hill gardens. They arrived today 6 different types of Phal species including ballina, volencia, ect. I have them in a clear one foot high bin in my east window. I have put trays in them to raise them up high and put three gallons of water below. The plants are 1 1/2" higher then the water level. My indoor humity with the water was 53 percent not very high. So I put a humidifier on and it raised to 65 percent. Well my questions are.

Is this enough humidity?

How can I raise it higher?

How long should I keep it on though the day?

Any other ways to raise it?

I would love to hear your experiences with seedlings and any pointers info ect. You could give me.

Thanks sky

I'm sorry you never got a reply to this-- but it might serve you well to post in another section.

As for the humidity, I think your levels are fine. The tropics aren't always sopping wet with humid air-- the plants will do fine-- just keep them warm and airy and they'll be fine.

I too put plants in bins when I feel they need more humidity-- but in those cases it is usually me trying to save the plants by trying to limit respiration while they grow new roots to support the plant. In your case, I bet they'll be just fine.
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Old 02-14-2011, 02:26 AM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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Hi Sky. I agree with Ryan. Phals, even seedlings, aren't really all that picky about their RH. I have a bellina and blue violacea seedling I bought from Orchidview a year or so ago. Both were repotted right away into CHC mix. The violacea took off almost immediately. The bellina started to decline. I was just about to pitch the bellina but decided to try one more thing. I added a top dressing of sphag. It went nuts and started shooting out all kinds of roots. It was just more sensitive to drying out than the violacea. My RH runs around 60-70%, and occasionally dips down into the 50's. None of my plants really seem to mind.
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Old 02-15-2011, 06:52 PM
skyheaven skyheaven is offline

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Phal species info? Female

They are doing great for the most part most are getting a new offset leaf and some of the ballenas seem to have a little root rot witch came that way from the suppler. I am trying to make the few pull through. I do have some very small brown dots on two of the Phal mannii I have never seen this before. I am not very alarmed but am more interested on what it could be. The plant seems very happy. It dose not have a sun burn. For the most part they seem to really like the enviroment that I have set up. I keep the humidity between 50-70 water two times a week. Mondays and Thursday's. I have not yet fertilized them but next watering plan to give them half strength. I will post pics in the next week or so. Thanks for your advise and intrest in my seedling. Sky
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humidity, phal, seedlings, species, water

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