Originally Posted by Mikeg
Now I know to mount it when it starts growing again! It is supposed to arrive in a 2 inch pot, Thank you for answering all my questions and congrats on the fragrance!!!
Yes when there is new root growth. Check though first the pot medium if it dries out quickly at least within 3 days. You should be fine if that's the case. I noticed though that the roots of this species won't stay inside the pot. They would climb out of the plastic pot and roam. They would not attach or wrap around the plastic pot unlike if it is in a clay pot wherein the roots just wrap around the clay pots. This is actually how others are growing it here using clay pots in a mounted way meaning no medium in the pot. In this way the roots won't roam outside of the pots it will just wrap around the clay pot in and out no long roots hanging around.
Anyway, my backyard is now filled with its fragrance. The next interesting thing now is to see how long the flowers & fragrance will last.