Is it possible that too much light could piss off a Phal. stuartiana?
I have one that finally started putting out bunches of new roots and a new leaf a couple months ago after it had been saved and repotted a year ago. Darn those pouting species....
Anyways, the new leaf is turgid and lovely, but has stayed rather small. Not deformed, just got to an inch or so and decided to hang around and enjoy the view.
The plant is a foot away from a filtered south window, and has distinct anthocyanin (red) pigmentation on the leaf borders, as well as some purple spots on the new leaf.
These AREN'T an infection, just "orchid sunscreen." No burn is evident though, so I haven't moved it. I'm generally happy to see a little red.
It's continuing to grow roots and be pretty happy, but that leaf. It sits there. and mocks me.