very nice I have read these are hard to grow and lol mine is definatly not as easy as any phal I have ever had most just sit happly for me a grow away but this one Is truly making me work for any progress at all.
I had one gave to me this spring and dont have a clue what I did to it but it went from looking good to both leaves looking like a bacterial rot literaly over night. I snipped them off close to the base and put it outside and it decided it would simply freeze there and not die ...not roots have died and still two little nubs of the old leaves ...Its been a couple of months like this and lol maybe someday it will grao for me ...
I don't know why this species has given me such a hard time in the past
All I did with this one was move it 3 feet to the right of where most of the Phal species are which doesn't really change anything except possibly a touch more light