Phal. schilleriana or Phal. violacea?
After lots of thought and reoganizing my growing space, I have decided to buy a new phal.
My next phal. should be a species, fragrant and different aesthetically than my phal hybrids.
I choose the plant for the following reasons:
Phal violacea - fragrant, bluish flower color, different blooming season than the rest of my phal. and looks very unique.
Phal. schilleriana - very good amount of bloom, the leaves look very diferent and fragrant.
Since i have never even seen the real plants of both species and none of the orchid retailer in Shanghai knows about growing orchid I need to turn to the experienced experts in this forum. I have several questions:
1) which one is more fragrant?
2) which one is hardier and easier to rebloom?
3) How big can it grow? I have limited space.
4) any special growing needs that i need to know for these two species?