Beh... Here, in Europe, 100$AUS (about 65€, right?) is a big amount of money for three little plant, but I've noticed that abroad prices are very higher than here.
Just think that yesterday I've received 8 plants: only 2 of them are seedlings like yours but the others are healthy young plants. Here's the list:
Phal: inscriptiosinensis, violacea var. coerulea (flowering), gigantea (young), equestris var. aurea, speciosa (seedling), tetraspis (seedling) and Bulbophyllum nympopolitanum and Chiloschista lunifera.

The total price, shipment (from Germany) included was... 110€, about 185 AUD...

I always get surprised when I see the big difference in prices

Then...I think your set up is great and it will work perfectly!
For water... pay attention, water must NOT stagnate in the bottom, pots must not lean always on a water layer, even if thin.
They maybe are too little to start slab colture and they can be perfectly grown in pots. Cultivation in pots is required when you cannot provide them with a good umidity. This is not your case, you only have to choose (not yet, let them grow a bit

