The Phals seem to be getting a slightly early start this year, but that's OK with me! Most are still in spike, a few still in bloom from the Spring/Summer, and a few are just beginning to bloom, including:
Phal. amabilis. This pretty is a nicer flower this year than last, though I think last year's photo was better.
Phal. equestris 'Ruby'. This is the first flower from this particular plant, and I think it's the nicest equestris I have (though I am partial to my peloric, too).
Phal. modesta. I thought this plant was struggling, but I guess it's OK.
And finally, Phal. Equalacea (equestris x violacea). OK, this one's a primary hybrid and nt a species, but I put it here because I didn't feel like doing two posts. So sue me! The shape may be slightly nicer than last year, but I'm not going to call it.