Thank you guys!
Originally Posted by Helios
I´d like to know more about Phal lindenii, how You keep it.
Helios, good general information of this species you can find here
Phalaenopsis lindenii anglais
At my place it grows at warm range of temperatures, humidity is never below 50% and usually somewhere in between 50 and 60 %, good ventilation is provided by fans. It is potted in a small plastic pot. As potting material I am using mixture of bark (medium graded) and NZ sphagnum moss (about 50:50).
Actually, nothing special with this guy.
Originally Posted by greenbean
Do you have pictures of the whole plant? The reason I was salivating over this orchid yesterday is because I found out that it is a mottled-leaf type. Those are my favorites among the species, with the rest coming in a very close second!
Evan, yes, they do have mottled leaves.

Here is the picture from last year
BTW, the plant is still in bloom. Flowers open successively and that prolong blooming. Here is the picture of the flowers from today.