They're all so gorgeous! I especially like your pulchra, Susan. I've been seeing a lot of these online lately, but I like the unique hint of white mottling on yours.
I've also purchased a few things from Sorella, but that was at a show. How well do they pack plants for shipping? I've been drooling over their fasciata for over a year, but haven't made the plunge. I'm sure they do a good job, since they obviously love orchids, but I always like to hear someone's personal experience about a vendor. Thanks!
Originally Posted by orchidbingo
Just wondering, did you get any of these from Olympic Orchids in Seattle. I've been looking at their special collection of mounted species Phals and I'm sorely tempted...
I was looking at that offer too! I had to grab a towel to mop up the drool.

But since I had recently received 4 species phals, I ordered some cool-growing orchids (my first Masde, Miltoniopsis, and Neofinetia

) because I've been wanting to try them, too, and my temperatures are more appropriate for them than for phals (although it doesn't seem to slow them down too much!).