Tink, I think you may be surprised at how fast that equestris kicks out a new spike. I cut a spike on mine last year to give it a rest and 3 weeks later it was sending up a new one. I think they like to be in bloom.
I have a number of equestris plants and more than one seems to be in blook pretty much all the time. I find them easy to grow and flower and that's one of the reasons I love them so much .
Susan I tried contacting Sorella and never got a reply to my e-mail. Do you know if they are still in business??
Last I heard they were commuting between San Diego, CA and Vancouver, WA and perhaps moving to San Diego. They may not be readily available. You might try calling-(360) 896-4735 (evenings only)
Just gorgeous, since mine won't blossom, I'll just enjoy yours. Like you, I love the equestris line. Yours are excellent and the zebrina is outstanding!
The spike on my pulchra sat still all summer and is now producing a keiki at the very end of the spike. It's cute as all get out.