Will growing Sedirea japonica Minmaru and Minmaru-shima barerooted help them?
I'm getting a Sedirea japonica minmaru and a minmaru-shima, and I'm a pretty nervous. I've heard that the minmarus can be sensitive to root rot, and the shima version is at an even bigger disadvantage because the lack of chlorophyll reduces its energy production (so the immune response to bacterial infections and the plant's capacity to grow new roots quickly if the existing ones are damaged are impaired).
Because the minmaru and the minmaru-shima are both pretty difficult to obtain, and the latter has a pretty big price point, I really don't mind putting in extra work if it means I can reduce the risk of hurting them.
I'm wondering if growing them barerooted and soaking their roots for a short period of time each day (not sure what time period would be good: an hour? Maybe even half-an-hour would be enough because they are small enough not to need a lot of water?) might make them happy. I figure they could avoid the wet, anaerobic conditions that rot roots if the roots are in dry and exposed to the air most of the day. Has anyone here attempted anything like this? Any predictions or concerns?
P.S. I'm sorry if the tags make no sense. For some reason it doesn't matter what tags I type into the list, OrchidBoard will just ignore them and create it's own list (I think generated from the most frequently used words?). The list of words I've entered is "minmaru, shima, sedirea, japonica, bareroot," and if something else is there, I didn't write it.