Phal. philippinensis never ending spike
I have a Phal. philippinensis that came to me over a year ago (shipped in bloom) and the spike length was normal. It has grown very well for me, two new larger leaves, tons of roots, and it started growing a new spike over this fall/winter.
The spike is 47” tall (1.19 m), still growing, and soon I’ll need to zip tie the 4th support stake to the top of the others. There are two side branches that are also still growing. My other phals that started spikes around the same time have already flowered, with most having finished or are well into their second or third round of bud growth.
There is not a single flower bud on the philippinensis. The plant appears very healthy and happy. I don’t use anything except DynaGro FP.
Anybody else have a never ending spike? What would you do with it if it was about to run into your ceiling?
Am I missing something about this species?
(Will add a photo soon)