First bloom of my Phalaenopsis mariae from Brookside. Second try… this one is better! Still a bit baffling… some buds turned black and blasted and the new leaf coming in looks a bit stunted, but still a satisfying first bloom with more to come. Lovely color and spots. No fragrance detected yet.
I don’t think I posted much about it, I just struggled with it in silence. It’s a sad story that I catalog as a learning experience. It came with mealies in the pot, I was newer to such troubles and freaked out and sprayed the roots with alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. It never recovered from that harsh treatment, it lingered for months but didn’t produce new roots despite multiple kelpak soaks.
I am currently treating her like the rest of my phal species... I have her potted in bark and perlite, warm temps, lots of water-- I water every 2-3 days and the misters go on twice a day. I think the Mariae really likes the misting... the mister ran out of water for 3-4 days and she looked a bit sad. Not super low light though... the phals live on a shelf about 10 inches away from a Botanical LEDs Optimum light. It's the first bloom for me and I've had her since spring so I don't know how often she will bloom in my care.
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