Doesn't look like a species to me... a nice white hybrid, no way of identifying, there are extremely many that look like this. Enjoy!
Note... a species is what occurs in nature. Then, humans mix and match, to produce hybrids with desired characteristics (color, size, round shape, number of flowers, presentation, longevity, etc.)
If you are confident it is a species then the two candidates are Phalaenopsis amabilis and Phalaenopsis aphrodite, to me it looks closer to Phal amabilis than Phal aphrodite and I believe Phal amabilis is also generally more common in cultivation.
How large are the flowers?? That will help greatly. Measure once the flower is fully expanded.
Edit : Check out this cool image that shows the size difference between the two species
It it is, indeed, a species, it will be a lot easier to make an educated guess once the flower is all the way open, and with some good closeups of the flower.
Thank you all for your analysis! As much as I hope it is a species, as I am a total species snob, I think it is a small statured Phalaenopsis white hybrid from a big box store.
When all of the blooms open, I will post some more photos to get a final opinion.
One clue might be provenance... if you sought it out and bought it from a source that has species (a grower, or Asian vendor who imports them) , it might be. If someone gave it to you or it came from a society auction or raffle, it's very likely a hybrid... people don't usually give away species casually. Not very scientific, but a clue...