hi all,
decided to start this thread as a new grower of this species. and excited because today i noticed some tiny growth from a dormant node on an old spike!
the plant was received as a keiki and part of a small group order and arrived in great condition. it came with a section of the spike it grew on, and also had grown its own inflorescence which had been cut but was still attached with several nodes.
tons of roots! but all had nice green growing tips when we got it, so it was put straight away into the usual bark, leca, sphag mix and placed close to the south window but shaded and down low. i have been spraying the exposed roots since we got it just to help it ease into the transition and so far it seems happy!
some info / links for the species for anyone interested:
Travaldo's blog: Grow and care Phalaenopsis fuscata orchid - Darkened Phalaenopsis
Phalaenopsis fuscata
Phalaenopsis fuscata
it’d be great if you other growers of the species would share your plants/pics as they are now!