ok, decided to join the fun. we have a hybrid gigantea alba x gelb canary from (you guessed it) our fav supplier schwerter. it was repotted straight away in our standard phal mix of about 5:2:1 bark, leca, and sphag. it has the position of honor as close to the windows (south facing) as we dare. it gets all the same watering and feeding as the rest of our phals, which is first week kelpmax and ferts in the standard ratios (weak), then 2 weeks of ferts only, then last week is plain water flush. going into fall we have now reduced and stopped the kelpmax application, and are only fertilizing everything every other week, which by December the schedule is to reduce to super weak ferts only once a month. best of all, it’s starting to put on a spike!! and yeah, it’s living up to the gigantea name as the spike is the thickest baddest spike we have seen on any of our phals. as it’s the first time blooming for this plant, hopefully it gives us something nice, but time will tell.
edit to add, curses to the link to asendorfer. cause of course i looked and they have the starship x self in bloom size for €150! the boss won’t go for that one, but daaaang that thing looks sweet!
Last edited by tmoney; 09-10-2021 at 01:04 AM..