Yeah, I don't actually know what would be worse - too dry or too wet. In this instance I regret the fact I don't film my orchids, as the unpacking was spectacular. three of the orchids dropped all the leaves immediately upon unpacking and media was't just damp, it was wet.
and I have't let them dry out, i just let the transition from soppy wet to just fairly damp.
Now they are in sphagnum , mostly in clay pots. Clay pots are in turn standing in wet sphagnum, so that the clay is constantly damp. It cools the down wonderfully.
For the species I got, ecuagenera says they are cool to intermediate growers, they are going out at the end of april if I see some growth (and will be promptly escorted back inside in the cellar if (more likely when, as it looks like) we have an abnormally hot summer).
They are next to an open window. And It's windy in Vienna. Air circulation is not a problem - humidity is, but I hope I solved it by putting the pots into 5 cm of wet sphagnum ( no standing water, no pooling) at least for a time until I go back home.
So how it looks like:
Pleurothallis angustipetala: It got here in the best shape and had a relatively OK root system:
Dracula benedictii: Looks Ok too, had some living, but cut back??? roots. needs staking:

When it recovers, I know it's going to need to go into a basket, as spikes go down. But I don't expect them soon.
"Masdevallia amabilis" i put it in quotes, because it most certainly is not even a Masdevallia, despite the tag. It's very Pleurothalis-y (or one of the genera split of recently) there's two plants (was one, the part between died), one OK, the other one is getting dehydrated - roots were in bad shape on both, but the smaller seems to have taken it badly:

It has keikis. At lest those should make it. It also has old spikes, that arise from the ramicaul on the bottom, like a masdie's would. A weird plant, really hope it makes it.
Scaphosepalum portillae: Plant fell apart into three. The big one will probably make it, the roots were bad on all:
Masdevallia persicina: I'm not sure on the species, but it is a masdie - it had dried up buds. Hasn't got any roots
Scaphosepalum triceratops: I had to have this, because name

. No roots, but leaves seem ok, as is the base.
Dracula mopsus and Masdevallia filaria. For the Drac there's still some hope, the base dried up (not rotting), there's some roots, so fingers crossed, this masdie's dead. Fr reserach purposes i'm going to care for it until it rots,
maybe it still has a living eye