I got this phal in Mid January. It has been my first successful phal and I just wanted to share my success thus far. When I got the phal, it was in perfect condition, but the decorative clay pot was broken so I got it on clearance for 7 dollars. It had 5 bloom spikes, but only one had flowers. Now, all 5 have flowers, totaling 9 at this time. It has dropped about 4, and there are 4-6 new buds rapidly emerging.
I keep the phal in a south facing window and I water it once every week to week and a half. Basically when the top layer of moss dries out. This seems to be working. I have fertilized it w/ Miracle Grow orchid fertilizer 3 times maybe. I am just so proud of this plant and I am shocked at how well it is doing. I have another that is dormant and I cannot wait until it blooms again
Here are some progress pics:
And 3 months later...