I am suspecting one of the madidum hybrids which are known for a long arching to pendent inflorescence. If you allow it to go as it is, it will break. If you stake it 1/2 up, it will break at the bend. And if you put a yo-yo on it and stake it straight up, you may break it in the process of staking but if you succeed in getting it straight up, it will lose all the charm of the madidum arching to pendent style.
I suggest a stake inserted at the angle of the existing direction the spike is now growing. (good luck getting it in the pot!) Attach the tie where it starts to bend. Then let gravity have its way but WATCH DAILY! You can also wire the spike but I have had no experience in doing this and if you plan to show the plant, that "training" may be frowned upon by many judges.
These madidum based hybrids and any of the long, heavily budded, Standard flower spikes are a real challenge to stake. Know your plant as to parentage and it will help to determine how you want to present your spikes.
Last edited by Cym Ladye; 10-06-2011 at 01:12 PM..